Sunday, January 9, 2011

It is very cold today and it is sleeting and raining and am being really lazy today. I am reading, eating, and watching television and on the internet. It is a good day to be lazy! Did get up at five oclock this morning and did all the washing and drying and cooked a big pot of homeade vegetable soup and made peanut butter and jelly for tonight.We didnt go to church because of frozen roads.School will probably be closed tomorrow. I am trying to teach BoBo how to high five. He did it three times but want do it anymore. I guess he's wondering why that crazy lady is teaching him that. If you like to read magazines Country Woman is a good one. Go to  to read about it. is another one if you like birds.I am going to make some peanut brittle and will let you know how it turns out. Have a great day!


  1. I love both those magazines - Country Woman used to be a special favorite! I do get a chance to look at Birds and Blooms once in a while. I browsed magazines at the grocery store today while picking up a few things we were out of...I don't get subscriptions all the time. This year I'm limiting myself to choosing a precious few off the shelves, ones I think I'll really read cover to cover! Have a great day!

  2. I posted a pic of Bobo on my post for Show and Tail this past Tuesday, check it out when you have time.
